My favorite art supplies!

Apr 03, 2021Amelie Legault
Art supplies favorites Fabriano paper and winsor and newton gouache

Let’s talk about art supplies!

DeSerres art supply store is my paradise of course! Paint tubes, paint brushes, markers, sketchboo, papers, colors everywhere! I want to touch and try everything! 

I use to paint with acrylic but it was complicated to photograph and do prints. Then I drawn with ink markers but I was feeling limited by the colors available and I missed painting. So I discovered gouache paint, I tried it and I fell in love with it! 

When I mention that I paint with gouache, people often imagine the big palette we had in kindergarten... Well, that's not what I use! It’s small tubes of waterbase paint like watercolor, but the paint is more opaque and dries super fast. You can leave it to dry on your palette and use it later by adding a little water. 

I like the Winsor & Newton brand for the quality of the pigments and color saturation. I also get good results when I scan my painting. I had uneven results with other brands. 

I like to paint on the Fabriano satin paper for watercolor because it is super smooth without texture. 

The Canson artist series sketchbook is perfect for me. I like to tear out the pages to trace my sketches with my Huion thin lightbox or hang them on the wall to look at them from the other side of the room. 

I use Steadtler and Faber-Castell HB and 2B pencils for sketching. 

In summuray: 

- Winsor & Newton gouache paints

- Fabriano satin paper for watercolor 

- Canson artist series sketchbook

- Steadtler and Faber-Castell pencils 

For the brushes, I prefer small beveled ones regardless of the brand.

These are my favorites, but I think every artist should find theirs favorite art supplies and mediums. Just don't be afraid to try and have fun! 


Art supplies favorites Fabriano paper and winsor and newton gouache Barbotte au téléphone, Amélie Legault, gouache paint